Friday, December 29, 2006

Part II

Ok, just needed to get the primary post out of the way. First of all, I want to say that I really couldn't care less about search laws or probable cause or actual usage. K-Mac had drugs in his car, and will now face the consequences. Whatever the punishment, and it's starting to sound more and more like expulsion, Kyle can blame no one but himself. I think he's a pretty good guy, but there is no excuse for this.

I'm reminded of Doug Gottlieb. Of course, anyone who listens to ESPN Radio as religiously as I do has heard the former Ok. State star's voice from time to time. Gottlieb set the ND record for assists by a freshman (since surpassed by Chris Thomas) in 95-96 before stealing credit cards from a roommate. He was booted from the University, and eventually picked up the pieces of his career in Stillwater.

This must just kill Mike Brey. After a terrific season so far, a loss at his shallowest position at a pivotal point in the season. K-Mac's impact on this team is beyond the plain assist-turnover ratio. He was the catalyst for the offense, with everyone else feeding off of him. Now, Falls and Carter cannot be themselves if there is no cornerstone holding it together.

Going back to my speculation, Jackson gets the start tomorrow. I have been very impressed by the young man's development so far, but a freshman point guard worries me. He has terrific talent and is the best passer on the team, but is still very raw. Colin Falls is not a great answer because of his lack of mobility. He was not a complete offensive player before this, and handling the ball will cut down on his shooting opportunities. Russell Carter is the most likely experienced choice, but playing the point could hurt his overall output.

The sophomores, Ayers and Hillesland, and possibilities but neither has been in a situation to run the offense before. Peoples played the point in high school, but didn't merit good minutes in previous games.

Good luck to Tory. I think he will eventually be a very good collegiate player, but I obviously did not forsee his taking over of the point guard position this early. I'll light a candle at the Grotto tomorrow for him.

Good luck, also, to all the guys the rest of the season. Never has a year so promising taken such a bleak turn in one day.

One last bit of information:
Tom Noie from the South Bend Tribune, "I'm told he [Kyle] practiced today and will start Saturday, though that may change."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a huge blow for the Irish. Kyle let down his coachs and his teammates. But in order to fill this gap Tory Jackson is going to have to step up. Ayers has gotta score some more and the same with Zeller and many Hillesland. But my main question is who will be the back-up PG Ayers, Peoples? I just hope this doesn't cost the Irish a great season.